The company had offered to our company for time attendance security door door, but have been so out I didn’t know the good news later, but I am also very happy, because we intend to let two people in our department this week to buy time attendance security door, which I’m here, but I am happy for another purpose, that is my first understand the time attendance security door function and usage, then we give the company to buy back, when installed, I will, also can give other colleagues to teach it, they also are looking forward to us both an early start to buy time attendance security door.
I am now in the NVR inside the company work, I very love my present job. It was also really good to thank my friend, if I have no friend to the NVR, I recommend myself but I guess not so soon to find such a good job. Also, although before listening to this NVR, others said very good, but because you have no friends working in it, so don’t understand these news, did not think after I quit work I accidentally from a friend’s mouth that NVR company is hiring, was also hold try attitude to NVR company for an interview, I actually did not expect success.
japan hotel
因為工作的關係,我來到了日本了,這可以說是一直以來我都很向往的事情,現在終於是實現了,我來的時候,就在japan hotel裡面預訂了房間,我覺得這個japan hotel還是很好的,以前也只是聽說,現在住著體驗了一下,我覺得和別的酒店就是不一樣,我很喜歡他們酒店裡面的這種裝修風格,而且我覺得他們這里的工作人員服務都是很熱情的,我真的是很滿意,雖然是第一次在japan hotel裡面住宿,但是這個japan hotel已經給我留下了深刻的印象了,以后再來日本,我還是會選擇在japan hotel裡面住宿的。
The company bought printer in fact I feel good, but they all said you see our company to buy what brand of printer, so that you will buy a printer when you have your own standard, I don’t want to say that I am now so much, because when we buy printer something, we will follow our own standards to buy, my people say you think you can do something, then you have to do, other don’t worry so much, I say you actually many times are so annoying, I don’t want to say why, I buy things for printer, I have my own judgment. You guys don’t have that much.
data center security
我一直都對電腦不怎麼了解的,所以這次我也是和朋友一起報了一個班,就是想好好的學一下電腦的知識的,結果沒有想到這次我們也就還真的是學到了這個data center security呢,就先是學一些簡單的東西的,不過這次我也還真的是發現這個data center security就是很不錯的,而且我現在也還真的是越來越感覺這個data center security就是特別的好了,現在我也是一直都在開始做呢,就目前我也感覺我學的東西就還是挺不錯的,我的好朋友現在也還說是要想學這個data center security呢,看來真的是特別的好。
rfid solutions
And when I heard friends of my friends said that this RFID solutions, I was curious about this RFID solutions in the end is what, how even the things are very picky about what friends actually have in front of me to say that RFID solutions is how how good, if I am not he personally heard that the evaluation of a RFID solutions I really do not have to own the company also bought the RFID solutions, but now it seems that I choose is simply too wise, the company uses this so things but it is only one of this RFID to solutions I really think the effect is very good, if we can use a little earlier to this product now estimated to develop better.
日本 酒店
今天和表姐一起去日本遊玩去,朋友給我們推薦了日本 酒店,我們去了那裏很乾淨也很有韻味的地方。日式的賓館表現的淋漓盡致,去日本一定要去日本 酒店。我們在那裏住了幾天,聽說那邊的溫泉很有名,我們懶床起了,慢慢悠悠的去吃了一個飯,我們就去泡溫泉去了。洗完後,感覺自己好舒服啊,之後我們就逛夜市去了,那裏也有好多小吃,和我們這不太一樣的好吃,我們不知道玩了多久就累了,回去日本 酒店,那裏的燈光還是那麼的亮堂,舒適。
京都 酒店
我們之前上班的一個同事突然給我打電話,說是他準備結婚啦,我也為他們感到開心呢,因為他們倆確實在一起很多年了,可就是一直沒有機會領結婚證,現在好了,他們也不用擔心對方會離開自己,所以他就想著可以給我打一個電話, 希望我可以到他們的婚禮現場幫忙呢,我說這是自然,我肯定願意幫忙啦,即使他們不找我我也會去的,後來我才知道原來他們的婚禮在豪華的京都 酒店舉辦呢,我真的感到很意外呢,同時也為他感到開心呢,因為他真的很棒。