台湾 凤梨酥

早就聽去過臺灣的朋友說臺灣的台湾 凤梨酥超級好吃,上次她帶回來的台湾 凤梨酥我當時沒在沒有吃上,所以一直在想像台湾 凤梨酥會是什麼樣的味道呢,真有那麼好嗎。這下我終于有機會要來臺灣了,那叫一個開心呀。當然我來的第一件事情就是趕緊去吃了台湾 凤梨酥,吃到第一口就知道為什麼大家都夸台湾 凤梨酥好吃了,真的是太好吃了,第一次吃就吃的好飽好飽的,太愛它了。在臺灣的第一天我都要吃台湾 凤梨酥。回來后我也帶了很多給親戚朋友們吃。



Wedding Vendors

See how many Wedding Vendors, I also don’t know which one is better, but at this moment I was really very moved, because these Wedding Vendors are friends to help me, I can say that it is not a little force. A few days later, I’m going to get married, I was very busy recently, I said to give his girlfriend a very special wedding, so my friends just start giving me Wedding Vendors, they found these Wedding Vendors are on our side is very famous, so they let me choose, whether it is the choice of what is possible, I think these are Wedding Vendors have their own advantages, I do not know how to choose the better, but these can be said to be friends of the mind, I must choose to own a love for it.





data center security

The data center security we use this is simply too powerful, I come to our company for such a long time or the first time we see the leadership of the company that bought the atmosphere of a data center security, had been listening to say this a data center security for special use, and use the data center security work directly to improve the efficiency of our work a lot, then listen to what they say I don’t believe, but now I have to believe that, because it is a data center security is now completely with his strength to conquer me, I have to believe that, if we can an early start to refer to this data center security then estimated before we don’t spend the whole day working overtime.



rfid applications

Since our company with the use of the RFID applications, it is a good that is a convenient ah, the company how to early discovery application of RFID applications such a good. Before we use the computer on the application can not say it is not good, it is common to ordinary ordinary bar, we have used the habit, and no one to care about what. Later, leaders do not know who recommended the RFID applications, to our computer installed on the RFID applications, we used, indeed as expected is a very easy to use application, the leadership with vision, RFID applications use ultra fast super easy, really is amazing. Now we are in RFID applications, is in need of friends can go to learn RFID applications, really very well.



Energy Saving

只要是想到要和那個Energy Saving公司裡面的同事一起共同事了,我就特別的開心,因為我們可以在趁著這個時間好好的跟他們學習一些關於Energy Saving的知識,我們公司裡面和這個Energy Saving的合作,因為想要研發一種新的Energy Saving,所以我們和他們的合作,我們也是很期待的,不管是怎麼樣,我覺得我們這次的合作真的是很不錯的,我現在也是很想學習一些關於Energy Saving的知識的,所以我一定要好好的利用這個機會,多學習一些Energy Saving的知識,這樣的話,以后我們要是再做這方面的研發,我也就能懂的多一些了。