japan hotel

大學畢業後,就一直在外面打工,偶然的機會聽老同學說她在日本呢,讓我過去找她玩兩天,這不我最近也閑著呢。她在japan hotel給我訂了房子,我很欣慰,能去那個地方,真的太好了,聽說japan hotel的服務非常的好,那裏的住宿也是一流的,這不我也把在別人嘴裏說的,過去感受了一下,真的還不錯的japan hotel,太好我,我真的想在那裏多住幾天呢,和老同學玩了幾天就要回去了,回到國內就好好的上班,掙夠了再出去多走走看,這不最近她要回國了,我家裏很大,讓她來我家裏住了。



tokyo private tour

Today I saw the Tokyo private tour advertising, also feel really badly, I also really did not think about it now has the Tokyo private tour, because I usually is less abroad, so for these things will really be not you know, but I really did not think this is a good friend back from Japan is very excited, she said to go to Japan to play anywhere, but also with the Tokyo private or tour, I feel there is a chance I will go to Japan to play a now, it seems to play a really is particularly easy, I feel very good.

office renovation

Our company has moved to a new home, where more than our previous place, bigger, and more bright, think really good. I have not moved when there was no decoration, the boss to take us all here once, now office renovation is so good, everyone on office renovation praised it, the boss is office renovation in the heart, let us work in a better place, you heart thank the boss, this is not we all came together again to clean up the office of health, laughing and talking, so for a long time past, we take the office clean sweep, the afternoon everyone together to eat a meal, the boss said together tomorrow to refuel ah.



property malaysia

Can buy a house in the property Malaysia it really is not easy, because I have been looking for a better house, just to see what the house did not result, did not think of the good friend is also in this property Malaysia bought a nice house. I also went to see, the friend said they are there really is a lot of houses, or let me here to look at it, so this time I was in the property Malaysia to buy a house, feeling really is a good environment, love is here, and this house will really is particularly good, security is good, it seems that this did not buy the wrong.







interior designer in singapore

Not long ago, and my friends went to see our industry arrangement, I think I am still very happy, because we’re going to interior designer and in Singapore designer to communicate, my friends say do you want to in Singapore and interior designer, why are you so excited. I said to you, you will be excited, I was actually kind of a lot of arrangements for the people on their own things, they all feel good, so I will certainly try, because I think there are so many people to do this thing, then you certainly do there will be a good experience, my friends say you know such a thing, then you will know what to do.