媽媽給我打電話問我要不要在求職網上找工作呢,我當時聽我媽媽 說求職網我還感覺挺意外的,因為我沒有想到我媽媽竟然還懂求職網呀,我媽媽就笑著告訴我說是他也是從電視廣告上看到現在找工作都不用出門了呢,因為我們也可以通過求職網找到適合我們的工作呢,不過確實很方便,而我告訴我媽媽 說是我已經找到了一份好工作,而我也是通過求職網找到的這份工作呢,所以也好讓我媽媽放心,不用擔心我,我過的很好的。
outdoor router
They say you are not also think of our company after buying outdoor router, is not in the office when we feel a lot faster, I say you do not have so many questions, as long as we do our own thing can be, actually our company bought outdoor router’s office in our office and business considerations, we feel a lot better if it concerns before we reached, I now don’t care other things, as long as I can do things, then I will try to do the best, because I will have my own what questions, so I will have my own plan.
Marine CCTV
It is really love this Marine CCTV, before the house is not the time, I will still always watch others home, but this time I also because I really saw the Marine CCTV, it is really very good, so I will always we want to give home installation, especially this time I also really is soon to find someone to my house to install the Marine CCTV, when the husband is also home to found the Marine CCTV, the feeling is very astonished, because he had told me before the installation. But I was not listening, now that love, husband do not know that what I do.
rfid applications
Recently, our company developed the rfid applications, but when the r&d member to introduce this program, we are also very confused, because really don’t know how to operate this rfid applications, and I myself will be a little bit off and on, because we all know to our company’s software also will use on my basic, so I will give everyone began to normal, the result is very good, very suitable for our company, so I will send you a simple way, after you will operate, which are useful to our work, you also need not so pain, really good.
hybrid cloud
These days, I found my mobile phone is really a card, I do not know what is the reason, I think later, or take it to repair it, so that I can know what is the reason, I went to a mobile phone shop, where the repairman gave me look, he said, because the mobile phone inside things too much, so will the card, he suggested I can put some unused files on the hybrid cloud. He also taught the hybrid cloud to what is said, when used, can be downloaded through the hybrid cloud, which is very convenient and hear him say this, I will do what he says, I think the hybrid cloud is really good, I would also like to thank the staff, give me such a good software.
5 Star Hotel Taipei
It is looking forward to the day I can go to the 5 Star Hotel Taipei, is because I have seen the 5 Star Hotel Taipei in many TV shows, they also feel is really very good, I also particularly love, you always want to go again, and this time I want to now I still have time to rest, or I do is go again, because I didn’t do anything, it has been like this, so this time I also really soon came to the 5 Star Hotel Taipei, also did not expect the results really did not let me disappointed, really love this 5 Star Hotel Taipei, here also is especially good.
Wargame hk
再也不要給我說Wargame hk有多麼難的事情,我現在也不想聽這方面的東西,因為我自己也會有我自己的想法和打算,我有朋友說你看看你現在是不是真的很想要去體驗一下Wargame hk,我說你現在也不要給我說了,我知道體驗了Wargame hk之後,你還會想要去,但是我現在還沒有那麼多的精力去想這件事情,我現在自己的事情都把握搞的焦頭爛額,我自己也不想讓自己成為那樣的人,但是有的時候事情就是那麼的不按照你自己的想法來,這樣的話你自己也不知道到底該怎麼去做才好。
日本 房地產
當時和我老婆結婚的時候我們兩個為了買一套屬於我們自己的房子,可是去了不少的公司裡面找房子可是卻因為沒有一套房子都讓我和我老婆都滿意的,後來無意中在網上看到了這個日本 房地產公司,當時也是抱著一點點的希望前往日本 房地產公司裡面的,沒有想麼我們的運氣簡直是太好了,這個日本 房地產公司剛好有一些新的房源呢,我們去的那天才剛剛開始提供給客戶選擇呢,我現在的房子就是這裡面選擇出來的呢,哈哈,而且我和我老婆都是一眼就看中了。