kenting hotel

The company colleague just gave me a call to let me hasten to contract drafted in the morning to go to kenting hotel, I was still a little puzzled, not to say good morning to the client before it, so when customers book a room, they also say the only check it tomorrow morning. It now appears that the customer in advance of arrival of the kenting hotel, so my colleagues was anxious to call me, let me hasten to contract to get past it, and then I got the call to hurry to get past, and my heart suddenly felt at ease a lot, because this customer has long been our cooperation with our employees if because little mistakes losses to the company, it would not be big trouble, but fortunately in time to my contract, so the contracts are signed become smooth , we are very happy.





tokyo hotel

我朋友今天突然打電話約我見面,說是有要緊的事要諮詢我,於是我就趕忙放下手裏的工作去見了我朋友。去了之後我也就直蹦主題,結果我等我朋友講完之後,我真是氣得想揍他一頓。我原以為會有什麼要緊的事,結果是我朋友隔天就要去東京了,但是因為是第一次去,什麼都不了解,找我來是讓我給他推薦(tokyo hotel)的。這麼點事電話裏不就說清楚了嗎還非得讓親自跑一趟。也就是我倆關係好,要不然我真的生氣了,之後我就推薦了(tokyo hotel)給我朋友,讓他以後別再大驚小怪了。

Business address

實在受不了這麼大的打擊了呢,這不是赤裸裸的讓我難受的呢,我自己爲了開一個公司可是費了好大的精力了呢,可是結果還有好多的證件到現在遲遲都沒有下來呢,我的那心理叫一個急呀,沒有想到人家(Business address)公司居然一天之後就幫我辦了下來了呢,這差距怎麼就這麼大呢,要是早知道這個(Business address)公司居然有這麼強大的實力我就應該早一點的來找這個(Business address)公司合作了呢,也不至於浪費了那麼長的時間,現在我的公司估計也早都成立了呢。

best design school singapore

在新加坡估計沒有幾個人不知道(best design school singapore)的大名的吧,我小的時候就知道我的大表姐就是在這個(best design school singapore)里面上學呢,當時我那叫一個羡慕呀,當時就立志長大之後也要像表姐一樣優秀也要考到人人的嚮往的(best design school singapore)里面學習呢,不過我自己卻沒有表姐那麼聰明,那麼順利的考入到了(best design school singapore)里面去了呢,不過我一定不會放棄任何一個去(best design school singapore)里面學習的機會呢,雖然現在還沒有考到(best design school singapore)里面去不過我相信我總有一天會考上的。





Taipei Japanese restaurant

I did not expect such a positive Chong can eat Japanese food in Taipei Japanese restaurant inside it, before I went on a business trip when the opportunity is in Japan, so there is a lot of good things to eat it, but just do not eat after returning home this had a positive Chong to Japanese of it, I did not expect to open here this Taipei Japanese restaurant really is very good too, so this time I’ll eat some, because this Taipei Japanese restaurant is famous here are also considered the one, but I have never been to, to think positive Chong can taste it, eaten after this, really is very good, I liked it here, or when you want to eat later will often come here.

oily scalp treatment

My husband always need (oily scalp treatment), it is because his hair is oil it really is, which I have no way, I think it is willing to talk to his work on it now, so I will not pipe she, who knows these days business trip I found her husband seems to have changed as a person, did not expect this (oily scalp treatment) since there is no, and I asked him in the end is how it goes, her husband said that he a business trip when the cooperation of that company’s just have this (oily scalp treatment) method, give him to try, this is a good terrier promote their two co-it, I think really it is destined, it is doomed to cooperation.