

Ximending luxury hotel

Brother telephoned to say that because the company assigned tasks, to travel to Taiwan a few days, let me help him make a good place to live, think for a long time I thought of Ximending luxury hotel, Ximending luxury hotel, the environment is good, cost-effective prices, well-equipped, good style and quiet, especially for staff travel the best good. My brother is the father and mother from child who came back, but we all regard him as a family, parents, brother grew up to tell the story of his brother, he knew his life after he did not give up on themselves, but more strenuously study, parents night to talk to him, he had to work hard to learn. Want to have ambition to take filial piety parents in future, after hearing parents knowing smile.



台北 太陽餅

哥哥,妳能不能把妳的臺灣太陽餅給我吃,我給妳我的小熊玩,不可能,妳那破熊有什麼好玩的,我的臺灣太陽餅才好吃呢,這就是童年的我和妹妹,記得那時候我們還小,妹妹是個小饞貓,媽媽給我和妹妹每人兩塊臺灣太陽餅,妹妹壹下子就吃光了,還要吃我的太陽餅,我怎麼能答應呢,後來隨著年齡的增長,我總是讓著妹妹的,每壹次妹妹她都會把她的台北 太陽餅早早吃完,然後向我要,我也會讓著她把我的臺灣太陽餅讓給她吃,直到現在也是,沒事的時候去買點臺灣太陽餅拿給小饞貓的妹妹吃。


好多年沒有見到小姨了,過年回家看到她很年輕,老媽說這小姨比她小壹歲,從小長大,比較時尚,而且很是任性,當初嫁那麼遠,家裏都不同意,但是她不管不顧家裏的反對堅抉要和現在的姨父結婚,現在結婚那麼多年了聽說第二次回家,她告訴老媽她皮膚好的原因是去做了電波拉皮,之前皮膚也不怎麼好,做了電波拉皮比較有好的效果,我看到小姨皮膚也很好,所以抉定 有空就和老媽壹起去做電波拉皮希望媽媽也能夠年輕漂亮,只要她開心就是我的快樂。



Taipei Japanese restaurant

When I was in a Taipei Japanese restaurant, which is the boss is very good, good let me although has left several years had he read in the heart, and that is my most lonely time, when I just graduated from University, because the heart is too big, but make a lot of money, the others took all their savings to accumulate their own school, and in order not to let parents worry that I have to speak to their parents for money, I went to the Taipei Japanese restaurant, Taipei Japanese in the restaurant when the boss know my situation, always give me a raise, so until now I remember the boss.

wood panel

Our company is the production of wood panel, so when I buy wood directly from our company took delivery of the goods, the goods price but we have people outside the company. From the price of the goods is completely different, though, because the wood panel price is not very expensive, so I and other foreign goods from the price difference is not particularly large, and my classmates and I had arranged for him, want to let me from our company purchased a batch of wood panel enough, he didn’t speak like me about this thing, then I’ve heard people say that students is not spread, so it did not asked me to continue to handle.



