Taipei Japanese restaurant

A trip to Taiwan feeling particularly great, let me the most unforgettable is the Taipei Taipei Japanese restaurant, go, is many people. There’s something taste particularly tasty, unique flavor, Taipei Japanese restaurant heard that at that time is very long, was warmly welcomed by the people of Taiwan and people outside, taste pretty good, with the Taiwan people’s tastes. This seems to be more an expression of respect for the people there, people also love it. Travel back, more it is to the friend introduced this delicious.





Taipei four star

All know went to Taipei variety of beautiful scenery, on the occasion of the holiday trip I went there, with a strong curiosity I walked into a hotel, it is also to a Taipei four star, I was very happy, Taipei four star good, friends say everything, to play and ultimately, Taipei. Tired to go there, Mimi’s sleep, including a variety of restaurants and the like, good service attitude, often by the local people and outsiders praise. Relying on these, I selected it, though a long time has passed, but there has been in my heart the United States and the US presence.

流動 Pocket wifi

前幾天在朋友的介紹下我也買了一個流動 Pocket wifi,上次去朋友家看到朋友的流動 Pocket wifi特別的不錯,而且這個流動 Pocket wifi隨處都是可以用的,而且網速也還非常的不錯的,所以我就想給自己也買一個,現在的電子產品不管是電腦還是手機什麽的都可以說是隨身攜帶的了,而這個流動 Pocket wifi也就成了一種非常常用 的一個工具了,而且我也特別的喜歡所以我也就在網上給自己買了一個,不過現在還沒到貨呢。用了一次流動 Pocket wifi感覺還真心不錯,所以現在我就特別的期待這個流動 Pocket wifi到貨。



京都 住宿

姐姐告訴我說是她要去日本參加一個比賽,說是這個星期就要去日本。聽了姐姐講的事情我就問姐姐她把酒店安排好了沒有,姐姐就告訴我說是我姐夫已經幫她安排在京都 住宿了,說是她之前去日本參加比賽也是在京都 住宿說是那個酒店挺不錯的,聽了姐姐講的事情我就說酒店安排好了就好。姐姐就說她這次去日本參加的比賽對她很重要所以她要提前準備好一切,聽到姐姐那樣講我就說姐姐一直都是那么聰明能干,她去參加比賽一定會通過的。




我身邊很多朋友現在長的都比我高了,可是我的個子一點也沒有長現在我在我們班里面是最矮的,我就特別的自卑我也不知道該怎麼辦,下午回到家里我就給媽媽講了我個子的事情,媽媽就說她前段時間去醫院了解了轉骨的事情,說是我要是做一個轉骨手術的話我的個子還會長的,聽了媽媽講的事情我就問媽媽是真的嗎,媽媽 就告訴我說是做轉骨成功率非常大,聽了媽媽講的事情我就告訴媽媽我要做轉骨手術,我要讓自己的個子長高一些。不想讓同學們笑話我了。

hotel in Taipei

I study at a university is a professional hotel management university, after graduation I successfully found the first job was in the hotel in Taipei to study hotel management thought is quite a good opportunity, I have now is hotel in Taipei inside the hotel lobby manager in this work also have been more than three years, think that three years of many time I learn a lot of things other than books, night received a phone call from classmates Jen said she will travel to Taipei to see me tomorrow, I would tell Jen tomorrow I go to the airport to meet her, Jen also agreed. And after a flower off the phone I intend to take a few days off with a flower to Taipei good fun, with a flower to chat, because after graduation no contact.