
我身邊好多人都是通過相親認識,以至於最後步入婚姻的殿堂,本來就對相親很排斥的我,聽到朋友們給我講了他們的相親經歷以後,我就明白了我也應該嘗試著接受相親,最後我就在家裡人給我安排的相親對象后,開始嘗試著跟對方交往,後來慢慢地我們也互相了解對方了,慢慢地我也喜歡上了她,因為對方確實是一個不錯的男孩,所以媽媽就催我們在今年年底結婚呢,我征求了他的意見,他也表示願意跟我結婚, 媽媽看著我終於通過相親找到了結婚對象,也安心了。

hotel in Taipei

I was in the hotel in Taipei, my boss, he said let me in hotel in Taipei the waiting room waiting for him, because he wants to bring this project to get off before you go, this is our trip to Taipei harvest. This list is a big project, if we next words, only a few months to come will be very busy, all of us can also earn more, so the boss please the customers in the hotel in Taipei for dinner, after eating a meal took his bubble hot spring, the two of them when the bubble hot spring I early, because I think in my words, they will not convenient to talk business, the boss from hotel in Taipei, a face of joy, I will know the result.


前段時間就聽朋友就說是他們的新房子已經開始裝修了我昨天的時候還想著朋友家應該已經裝修的差不多了吧,都這么久了。沒想到的是今天朋友找我了,是想我給介紹做燈具推薦,現在他們家裝修都差不多了,就差一些燈具了,朋友說是以前的時候每次來我們家都覺得我們家的燈具非常的好看,也很特別。然後他們家裝修的時候,他就想到了讓我給他們家做燈具推薦,聽到朋友這么說,其實我也覺得我們家的燈具挺漂亮的呢。這些都是我當時精心的挑選過的,現在又要給燈具推薦了,而且我之前 也買過也算是有些經驗了,所以這次做燈具推薦對我來說太簡單了。

hualien accommodation

Branch of the company sent me to Taiwan to study at one time back home I told my parents I want to go to Taipei to learn things, my mother asked me to go to Taiwan how long to come back, I’ll tell mother I to be half a month back, finished learning on the back. My mom heard me say that asked me to arrange the hotel? I’ll tell mother company arrangements have been pretty good at Hualien accommodation, when I had to travel to Taiwan and at Hualien accommodation, the inside environment and services are very good, my mom heard me say will rest assured, let me alone in the outer surface to take good care of yourself. I told my mom I would take good care of yourself don’t worry about me.



wood veneer

Some time ago to go to a friend’s house to find his house redecorated inside, but the decor is very nice, very simple atmosphere, I asked him what time it is probably fitting, he said, has been for some time, they have been in new home inside lived there for three months, I asked him when the renovation is what materials are selected, the quality looked very good, in fact, those who used the floor, he said that he was asked a friend to help him exclusively from wood veneer inside ordered a batch, because wood veneer inside the mostly wooden floors, and their home decor is matched, but something big brand quality assurance.







Taipei Boutique Hotel

With my sister go to Taipei tourism sister hotel arrangements at the Taipei Boutique Hotel, did not think of this hotel sister arrangement are also quite good, after coming back from Taipei I told some friends around me some things in Taipei Taipei Boutique Hotel accommodation, friend Ali listened to my story, he said the hotel I speak it really that good? I told her she went to the hotel once would like the hotel, Ali said that the hotel she the next opportunity will go to me, then I will give her a lot of stress on the Taipei side. In some places, there is Taipei Food.