hualien accommodation

Brother last night did not go home, the father and mother to worry about the bad, last night night did not how to sleep, no phone, but the phone is busy, when this morning day just bright, hear mom calling my brother, the phone is finally opened, mother asked brother, where are you, my brother said he was in Hualian, my mother said that last night at Hualien accommodation, the brother says yes, brother said yesterday when prepared in Hualien accommodation, was supposed to call home, but the hand itself has no electricity, automatically shut down, there is no the phone, brother said they will be back today, mother after listening to this just rest assured.





Ximending luxury hotel

I now have the Ximending luxury hotel for more than a month, I think my time at Ximending boutique hotel I was very happy, because in the Ximending boutique hotel this time. I also learn a lot in my school had not learn things. But I have never said to the family in my Ximending boutique hotel job, I just want to wait until my work in this aspect more stable, I’ll tell my family, I don’t want to let the family worry about me. Because I know my mother body is not good, if you told them they will worry. Now my work is also good, look for opportunities to the parents to say, let them not to worry about me.



Ximending accommodation

Since graduation intercalated honey family was arranged to go to the field, we met a few, she secretly to leave home, said to be at the I I have time off to see her, I asked her where she is now, she said at the Ximending accommodation of this hotel, I say why don’t you home is the hotel if the home, she said she would be her father criticized the meal, she don’t want to go home. Thus, I said you also not to the hotel ah, you can go to my house to live ah, she said she was to late last night, she doesn’t want to bother me, in Ximending accommodation slept well, this hotel environment she likes.






年後我打算重新找一份工作,還打算幹以前的老本行,那就是酒店的大堂經理,自己的學曆算不上很高的,可是經驗方面我還是很有自信的,聽朋友說內地的招聘條件比較高,我決定先找一家試試,我找了一家四星級的酒店,果然他們要求外語過六級,可我當年上學的時候外語這方面一直都不是我的強項,當時也不是很在意,後來因為工作的原因我自己補習過一段時間專門報的是職場英文 這種培訓班,職場英文 整個培訓下來我的外語水平提高不少,我相信我還是可以通過測試的。


自從前段時間我帶爸爸去做了一個植牙以後,這幾天爸爸每天只要出去玩的時候有人一問到他的牙,他們會不停的給好多的人做一些植牙推薦。不過話說回來,這次給老爸做的這個植牙確實 不錯,自從給爸爸做了這個植牙以後現在爸爸想吃什麽就可以吃什麽了,再也不會像以前一樣,這不能吃那又不能吃,以前自己喜歡吃的一些東西都只是看看不能吃。原因就是自己咬不動了。有一段時間聽同事們都說現在的植牙的技術 不錯,同事也給我做過一些的植牙推薦,沒想到帶爸爸去做了效果能這麽的好。