rfid applications

When friends and friends in the chat to talk about the RFID applications thing, listening to a friend about what I said I heard her talk so much after think now the technology is quite developed. Today, friends listened to my story is that I will have more time to understand some things about science and technology, said that there are many things in life with RFID applications do, listening to a friend about what I said I would have time later to understand it, I believe the future will bring dramatically to our life and work later in our lives with the work will become better and better, friends listened to my story and said that it would be.

narita airport transfer

Friends call me, said he was on a business trip in packed narita airport transfer, I heard the news, I also was surprised, because I didn’t think the two of us can meet in a few days, but also in narita airport, so I am also very happy, after I know his flight, I just arrived in narita airport early on, when he packed narita airport transfer, both of us can use it for a few hours to chat, just I have things to please him, so I take this time to get my things would help to solve well, so my heart is steadfast, and heard him back to me with some I most like to eat snacks?

日本 買樓

我弟弟終於在哈佛畢業了,他很愛學習所以一直都是媽媽的驕傲,考上哈佛也是情理之中的事情,後來就留在了硅谷,也有了自己的公司,他回國后告訴我們說他已經在日本 買樓了,那棟樓在一個環境優美的海邊,說讓我們一家人一起都住進去,讓媽媽和爸爸住一樓,這樣方便他們出行,因為年齡大了腿腳不方便了,我和弟弟就住二樓三樓,上面的樓層就留給來海邊度假的親人朋友們,可以做他們的臨時旅館,這樣就可以省去很多的費用,媽媽本來心疼弟弟,說她賺錢也辛苦根本不用在日本 買樓的,可是弟弟還是很堅持,說現在他有能力照顧到我們的了。



